4 Bar Hinge Stops


4 Bar Hinge Stops

This adjustable stop is intended for use on 4 bar hinges. It is a simple stop plate which is inserted into the hinge track and uses an outside hold down screw. The design of the plate allows it to be positioned anywhere along the track to provide an infinite number of stop positions. The unique outside hold down screw allows access to the stop with the window only cracked open a small amount. Once installed, it will pass the ASTM F2006 limited opening standard.

product highlights

  • Infinite number of stop positions from 10 degrees to fully opening
  • Easy access during installation
  • Compatible with all AT and Giesse 4 bar hinges
  • SST material is compatible with SST hinges to eliminate corrosion issues
  • Must be used in pairs (1 per hinge) on all window applications
  • Fits a wide variety of 4-bar hinges including awning, casement, and some aftermarket hinges
  • Materials: 300 Series stainless steel
  • Window material applications: commercial, vinyl, aluminum, composite.
  • Technical specifications: maintains high DP or 250 lbs per lock point, meets ASTM F2006 limited opening force requirements with a 75 lb resistance on a 36" wide sash


Part # Description Box Quantity Material Type
2118102 STOP, LIMIT ADJUSTABLE 200 Stainless Steel
Stainless Steel
Stainless Steel